Gaming PC Vs Gaming Laptop Which One Suits You Better?



 Gaming PC or Gaming Laptop? Which one suits you best and why? 

Games and their technologies have evolved significantly in the last years, gamers are no longer able to keep pace with the developments in all gaming devices. The more developed the game is, the greater the need to buy a PC with high performance to suit every game. From here came the idea of gaming PC and laptops with different features that suit other games. This article will tell you more information about both of them and what will suit your needs.


Gaming Laptop Features and Portability

You can know if this is a gaming laptop or not by its features. The gaming laptop has specific features that are added to enhance the performance of the game, the most important of which are: 

1- Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): It is necessary to have a powerful GPU so that you can play games that are of high quality with high graphics. In general, the laptop's GPU needs to be at GTX 1660 or higher for good performance, and RTX 2060 or higher for better performance in high-quality games with high graphics.


Gaming Laptops


These levels can vary depending on the generation and model of each GPU. It also varies according to the type of games you play on the device, because some games require higher power just to work. 


2- Central Processing Unit (CPU): Everyone knows that the processor is a key part of any laptop or PC, it is responsible for all operations and commands within the device. You’ll also need to check the type, generation, and model of the processor to know how it will perform. To say with confidence that this is a gaming laptop, the processor must be at least quad-core. You can take the following models and base them on what gaming laptop you’ll buy: 


  • Intel Core i5 10th Gen or higher.
  • Intel Core i7 9th Gen or higher. 
  • AMD Ryzen 5 4000 series or higher.
  • AMD Ryzen 7 3000 series or higher.


It is essential to know that the performance and speed provided by the processors vary according to the size of the cache, the frequency of the processor, and the number of cores. The processor is not the only factor that determines the performance of your laptop. 


3- Random-Access Memory (RAM): RAM helps to store temporary data associated with the operation of games and other programs. To know what is the best RAM you have to know that the capacity is one of the main factors that determine the speed and efficiency of the laptop. If you want a gaming laptop, it is necessary to have at least 8 GB of RAM. In general, you can say that gaming laptops need a capacity between 8 to 16 GB of RAM to run most of the new games smoothly and without any problem.


4- Solid-State Drives (SSD): SSD impacts the speed of loading games and response time. The more capacity it has the quicker your laptop would perform. From here we can tell you that the best SSD memory must have at least a storage size of 512 GB. We advise you to use devices that support NVMe technology because this type of storage provides you with high read and write speed that will make the game's performance better.


5- Screen: Most screens work with the features of any device. What’s important is to make sure that the graphics card is compatible with the features of your screen to enjoy the highest performance.


6- Cooling System: Gaming Laptops often have more than one fan to distribute cold air. The thing you need to know is that the temperature of the laptop must be from 70 to 80 degrees at full load. If you play large games and their graphics are very high, we advise you to buy a cooling table that helps cool your device. Because if your device is overheated it will eventually get damaged. 


Based on The features above, you should know that the gaming laptop is different from the gaming PC in a lot of things, such as the ports to connect the game accessories, the battery that allows you to use the laptop without electricity, and its small size that makes it easy for you to move around and take it wherever you go. The negative thing is that if you decide to change any part of your laptop, you often can’t because their size is different and they need a specialist to be changed. Some parts are specially designed for your laptop and you may not find any spare parts. 


Gaming PC


PC Gaming features:

Although you can’t move a PC from its place, it is known to be stronger and can be modified and upgraded easily. That’s what makes it more used by gamers than laptops.

Among its advantages: 


1- Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): A gaming PC is considered to be a perfect choice for modern games and heavy graphics applications. All PCs have powerful graphics cards such as NVIDIA GeForce and AMD Radeon, they help to improve image quality and overall gaming experience.


2- Central Processing Unit (CPU): ): Gaming PCs have high-performance processors, such as Intel Core i7, i9, AMD Ryzen 7, and Ryzen 9 processors, and this allows them to run heavy applications and video games with high efficiency and impressive speed.


3- Random-Access Memory (RAM): As we have said before, the size of the RAM must be between 8 and 16 GB at least. 


4- Solid-State Drives (SSD): ): It is necessary to have enough storage space for data, applications, and games, preferably the hard disk (HDD) size would be 1 terabyte or larger. SSD storage is faster but more expensive and the choice between them depends on your needs and the type of games you play.  


We advise you to check out the PCs in our store that suit different budgets. If you want a powerful PC, Lenovo Legion T5  is your best choice, if you want an average one check out ASUS ROG STRIX G15DK, it will meet your needs at a relatively good price. Another choice to consider is Asus Rog Strix, it’s the same type but with relatively fewer features and a smaller budget. You can also build your PC by yourself from here to see what suits you in terms of price, features, and other options, and the assembly is on us!


What to buy? 

Your choice between a gaming laptop or PC depends on your need to move initially, and also on how much you like to buy pieces with newer features from time to time. If you like to move a lot, you need a gaming laptop. If you prefer a strong performance rather than portability and comfort. If you also like the continuous development of the same device, then a gaming PC is your best choice.


Suppose you can’t decide between a PC or a laptop. The most important thing you need to know is the requirements of the games you like to play and then you need to check the pieces and features that you need for the game to operate efficiently. 


Don’t worry! If you didn’t understand all that is written above and you are tired of searching and trying to understand. La3eb has made it easier for you, you can communicate with our expert on Whatsapp to consult him for free.


Lastly, we would like to remind you that depending on your playing style and the games you play, you can change pieces of the device to fit your actual needs instead of taking a device with very high features and you barely use any of them.